Saturday, 23 July 2016

[Loot] Get Instant 10 Rupees Recharge Using FreePass Apk

Get free
recharge or data pack with FreePass.

FreePass is the only LockScreen that
provides you with free recharge or
data pack to use on your mobile
every day!

Get Free recharge Using Data In Any
FreePass App Enable the FreePass
LockScreen and receive free data
credits to use in all your apps daily.
We will show you beautiful, and
interesting ads in exchange for
crediting you with free data.

Once FreePass is activated,
begin using data in any app, for
example: WhatsApp, Facebook,
Browsers, and more.When you've
used enough free data, we'll instantly
credit your sim with free recharge!

Note: It will work on mobile data
only. On wifi you will not get

Step to Get Free Recharge:

1. Download from here (2.8mb)
2. Open The App And Enter Mobile
Number and click next
3. Now it will verify by OTP. If OTP
not come then try by Resend OTP
2-3 times or wait 5-6 min for OTP
4. Fill your state and 3g or 2g pack
5. Enable the FreePass LockScreen
6. Done, Now use data in any app
browser also and get free recharge
after using 25mb to 75mb.

Unlimited trick:

1. Once you have finished your
monthly quota you will not be
eligible for more recharges.

2. So, After you complete the quota
and the meter turns off clear data of
the app.

3. Open device emulator in your

4. Add ” ” in the
hiding email from section and
randomize all the values reboot your

5. Open the app and again register
newnumber to get free recharge and
internet balance.

So Enjoy ‼

With 4trickers

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[Loot] Get Instant 10 Rupees Recharge Using FreePass Apk Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Ashvin thakor


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